Symptoms of Gist Cancer

Symptoms of Gist Cancer

The lower portion of the uterus is called the cervix. It connects the uterus to the vagina. It is about five centimeters long, and has a tubular shape. During the childbirth the cervix widens for the passage of the baby. Also sperm needs to travel through the cervix for reaching the uterus. If the cells which constitute the cervix become enlarged the cervical cancer may occur and almost %99 of cervical cancers are caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). More than a 100 types of HPV has been diagnosed. But most of them are considered as low risk which means they don’t cause cervical cancer. Two types of HPV (HPV-16 – HPV-18) are considered as high risk and cause most cases of the cervix cancer. HPV probably is the most common sexually transmitted disease in fact almost %80 of the women are diagnosed with some type of HPV by the age 50. Regular screening helps prevention of cervical cancer. PAP and HPV tests are available for women who wants to be screened. Possible symptoms of cervical cancer include

• Abnormal bleeding
• Bleeding after sexual intercourse
• Pelvic pain not related to menstrual cycle
• Bleeding after pelvical examination
• Bleeding after entering menopause
• Bleeding between menstrual cycle
• Pain while urinating
• Having to urinate frequently